Haunting : “Siluetas,” La Prieta, & More
I am interesting in thinking through haunting as a rife hermeneutic for performances and performances studies, particularly the notion of the afterlife of a performance. As Alvarado says of Mendieta’s Rape Scene specifically, “How does a piece like that end? … “We are meant to ruminate on the immediate reception of the performance but also on the encounter beyond the immediate scene. Mendieta’s abject presentation is routed through the formally unbounded, through sublime limitlessness” (42). [This language of “routed through” prompts me to question the mediation of the abject [and object],of the performance, and whether this mediation is contributing to its haunting nature.]
Without theoretically engaging the term, Alvarado utilizes “haunts” once each in Chapters 1, 2, and 3, to discuss different works of art :
1) “As an installation without end, Rape Scene haunts me beyond the writing of this chapter…” (45)
2) “I first encountered Asshole Mural in C. Ondine Chavoya’s essay ‘Internal Exiles: The interventionist Public and Performance Art of Asco...The spectral quality of the image -- at that point a photocopy of a photocopy, blurred, it seemed, by rumor and suggestion -- inspired the direction of this inquiry. I am drawn by the way this phantom document haunts the official image…” (59)
3) “Farah’s ‘weird mysterious piece is alluring with its racialized ‘ritualistic’ elements, in addition to its promise of black violence - a promise that haunts the presence of the young black artist and against which his success is measured” (128)
As such, (in the second quote) we see “spectral” deployed in terms of an image at, or almost beyond, remove, a simulacra nearing its fault lines, somehow suggestively “unofficial” -- a double. Meanwhile, in her conclusion, [Alvarado] discusses the world in progress Untitled (skins) (2015-2016) of Xanda Ibarra and Sophia Wang [See Cover Art], as offering a glimpse of the “ghosts of historical meaning” (Rebecca Schneider), which “encircle, indeed haunt, those uneasy feelings around the successes of national incorporation or easy assimilation, and, ultimately, wail against respectability politics: (Alvarado, 163). This “wail[ing]” [of the ghosts of meaning] calls up the sonics of dissent not only as discussed by McMillan (see next), but also by Fred Moten in In the Break : The Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition (who cites the (in)famous wails of Frederick Douglass’ Aunt Hester, 1845, among many other examples.
Last week, McMillan similarly peppered his texts with notions of haunting: that “Ellen Crafts’ doings...haunt the image, even if they are not immediately visible” (66) and, in references to Joice Heth’s sonic of dissent, Elizabeth Alexander’s words: ‘Hearing, too, is central to witnessing. Heard images haunt the mind as much as visual ones” (170). Moreover, to an arguably limited degree he centralized haunting in his introduction methodology. Firstly, he understands “the concept of avatar production...limns [to draw or paint on a surface; to outline in clear sharp detail; delineate] how experiments in ontological play create haunting resonances in words and images” (13). Secondly, he justifies his organizational traveling “back” to the United States and across as century in order to, in part, “highlight how, in spite of these temporal diverges, traces of coercion and subjugation haunt more recent black female performance art” (19). [Despite ostensibly theoretically centralizing haunting, this doesn’t particularly seem to play out in the rest of the text?]
While Alvarado makes a point not to centralize Mendieta’s Silueta Series (1973-1980), that for which she is most recognized, I do want to take a moment to look at some of those images, and to think them in relation to haunting, hauntology, and the following terms: silhouette, absence, presence, vacant, vacated, contours, impression, depression, relic, ritual, iconography, hagiography, hieroglyphic, entombed, enwombed, invaginated [?], enworlded [?], anism, sears, scars, haunts (ie., n) -- herida abierta, open wound.
While I haven’t read the source text (Spectres of Marx), I recently came across Derrida’s articulation of hauntology. As David Rudd states in his unpacking of the Freudian Uncanny (as pertinent to Neil Gaiman’s Coraline), “The double, of course, undermines our sense of individuality, and is often seen to augur death: ontology, as Derrida punningly puts it, becomes upset by ‘hauntology.’” Perhaps rather than understanding the very understanding of the nature of being as one upset by haunting [or sites, sounds, images, figures which haunt], perhaps we can understanding being and ourselves as always already haunted, with ontology asymptotically approached through intra-actions with the spectral, with temporality [and thereby performance] never “done” but always lingering? [As stated in Diane Taylor’s Performance, “Theorists such as Peggy Phelan have posited that performance “disappears” even as it comes into being...It cannot be saved, she argues, or recorded or documented. What that happens, she maintains, it ceases to be performance and becomes something else” (10) -- Do we agree?]
[Footnote: In Translating Time : Cinema, the Fantastic, and Temporal Critique, Bliss Cua Lim mobilizes the fantastic (primarily fantastic cinema) to critique homogenous time [she references also Barthes’ notion of “noise of Time”] -- or rather [/simultaneously], posits the Fantastic itself (as a genre) as temporal translation. In the chapter “The Ghostliness of Genre : Global Hollywood Remakes the ‘Asian Horror Film,’” Lim both analyzes the function of ghosts within what have been lumped together as “Asian Horror Films” and the haunting, (nearly-)iterative temporality of remakes (and, she argues, genre itself) She states: “Repetition is the engine of genre. But, given Bergeson’s reminder that ceaseless change makes exact repetition impossible, I would add that generic repetition inevitably encodes difference difference or novelty. Generic repetition is always inexact, never a precise iteration (193)...The genre film is cannibalistic: ‘implicitly, each new film ingests every previous film.’ The centralist of intertextual repetition in genre films is particularly pronounced in the cannibalism of a remake, which even more emphatically ‘ingests’ its precursors [remake, sequel, allusion, rip off, steal, copy]...Faced with such dismissal, it is helpful to bear in mind that the remake, which has also be productively defined as an intensified, hypervisible form of intertextuality ‘problematizes the notion of originality.’ For instance, the supposed inferiority of the imitative text in relation to a prior original is a difficult accusation to sustain in the wake of concentric influences that are transhistorical as well as transcultural” (195)...So perhaps remakes and sequels are not only afterward but also a refusal of the time of afterward...the remake becomes the ground for the reception of the precursor text, introducing instability into the very terms original, copy, precursor, remake, and sequel -- in short, to questions of priority and cultural value in genre studies (221).” While I understand this make seem tangential in terms of the rest of the texts/performances featured this week (hence locating it in a footnote), I am interested in these questions of priority (i.e. a priori, originary, originary moment, “birthing”), mediation, similitude and the uncanny [the slightest “off” in the iterative], and how we may or may not understand cinema and cinematic remakes in terms of the performance theory we are reading.]
Furthermore, in her introduction, Alvarado states: “The deployment of abjection as an irreverent aesthetic strategy unites the artists, performers, and cultural producers profiled in Abject Performances, as does their challenge to a bounded understanding of Latinidad...Collectively, they depict the structures of feeling of a contrapuntal affective terrain that demarcates a complex periphery of political projects as well as the incoherence and instability of interpellativate inditariain categories...Latinidad merges here as a performative utterance that gestures at once to an affective site shared by a diverse community of individuals of Latin American dissent and the challenges of finite denotation” (4-5). That said, does haunting/hauntology do anything to further or upset Alvarado’s goals in Abject Performances of the goals, as she articulates them, of the artists featured therein?
La herida abierta:
Alvarado seems to understand Anzaldúa as codifying/heralding a New Mestica who is “hailed by either side of an artificial U.S./Mexico border...operated in a pluralistic mode that sustains contradictions [and generates] a new consciousness”, while implying Anzaldúa’s sway in Latino Studies to be/to have been problematic (40) [I would love to discuss this further]. References from to Anzaldúa’s theories on this page are from Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La Frontera (1987) rather than Bridge Called my Back (1981), from which La Prieta (recommended reading) is excerpted. In Borderlands/La Frontera, Anzaldúa states:
This is my home
this this edge of
...The U.S.-Mexican border es una herida abierta where the Third World grates against the first and bleeds. And before a scab forms it hemorrhages again, the lifeblood of two worlds merging to form a third country - a border culture. Borders are set up to define the places that are safe and unsafe, to distinguish us and them. A borderland is a vague and undetermined place created by the emotional residue of an unnatural boundary. It is in a constant state of transition. The prohibited and forbidden are its inhabitants...the perverse, the queer, the troublesome, the mongrel, the mulato, the half-breed, the half dead... (25)
While not dismissing the relevance of the U.S.-Mexican border in particularly of the specificity of [her] racial experience [nor willnilly pathologizing racial or queer experiences], Anzaldúa also understands la frontera and la herida abierta to pertain to multiple sites [one may say intersectional] of liminality and confrontation, including her experiences with trauma. I am interested utilizing the iconography of the Siluetas Series (as above), the notion of haunting, and the notion of la herida abierta to think through each other and performance writ large.
In/upon the first pages of La Prieta, Anzaldúa expresses a tension amongst herself and her mother and her Mamágrande Locha, a seeming simultaneous desire for distancing (verguenza/shame, pg. 224)and honor/affinity. In one fashion, racial haunting bore down generationally through Mamágrande Locha and Mamá upon the body and soul of young Glorita (220). [I would be intrigued to discuss the proposed “racial haunting” more].** Mired in haunting, Anzaldúa at times claims and rejects (particularly her family; we can consider whether this qualified as Muñoz’ disidentification), her autopoiesis both compositional (abrazar/aceptar/aprovechar?) and destructive (rechazar), both inherited and chosen. Regarding the latter:
…Last March my fibroids conspired with an intestinal tract infection and spawned watermelons in my uterus. The doctor played with his knife. La Chingada ripped open, raped with the white man’s wand. My soul in one corner of the hospital ceiling, getting thinner and thinner telling me to clean up my shit, to release the fears and garbage from the past that are hanging me up. So I take La Muerte’s scythe and cut away my arrogance and pride, the emotional depressions I indulge in, the head trips I do on myself and other people. With her scythe I cut the umbilical cord shackling me to the path and to friends and attitudes that drag me down. Strip away -- all the way to the bond. My myself utterly vulnerable…
Additionally, a sharp and stunning line I’d love to give a nod to: “Once again it’s faggot hunting and queer-baiting time in the city” (229).
**See also the poetry of Nicolás Guillén (Cuban, 1902-1989, namely “Abuelo”) or Orlando Ricardo Menes (“Hair”)
Curtain Call : The Tale [Content Warning - Rape and Sexual Assault, Age Range of Survivor- Tween/Teen]
While I’m not going to discuss this further on the blog post (and I won’t be discussing everything from this post overtly in class), I wanted to give a head’s up on the following. In class, I will be showing this trailer (or a similar trailer) and a short clip from the film The Tale (2018). No images of assault or near-assault will be shown. The child actress was not involved in the sex scenes during filming. While I cannot speak to anyone’s experience, personally (as a survivor) the biggest potential trigger is that this tale contends with reliability of memory and the role of narrativization in processing. In my presentation, we will be discussion questions/themes as presented above in the blog post for about the first 10 minutes, and there will be a natural break before transition to The Tale, so if anyone would like to excuse themselves for any reasons, no questions asked. Also, if you’d like more information or to chat, please reach out to me. My email is cbc52@pitt.edu and my cell is 208-585-7552.